
통합보안솔루션 SOLUTION

[위치추적 시스템]
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The location tracking system is an RFID system developed for security and safety, logistics management, theft prevention, and other applications. Through a personal tag that emits high frequency and an antenna that detects it, the current location can be accurately recognized and related information can be transmitted to the operating PC to determine the location of real-time personnel and logistics.

Applied location
- Checking the location of an individual inside the building (for security and safety purposes).
- Tracking the location of important items inside the building (prevention of theft)
- Logistics management at the port and airport.
- Asset management
- Taking care of exhibits such as museums, etc.
System introduction
1. Communication method: RS-232/485 Communication
2. Operating software: Real-time change and management of the current location through an antenna.
3. Location tracking antenna: Detecting personal and logistics Tag in real time.